Wednesday 28 September 2011

Conditions in Ghana are not what we're used to...

No water? Dirty money? School in shifts?

We are so blessed to live where we do.  I have been getting many alerts over the last few days that make me realize how lucky we are to be born in a developed nation. 

In Accra, the capital city with 1.6M people, there are frequent water outages, and access to clean drinking water has become an issue to all but a privileged few:
Accra Pipes Go Dry

Ghanian money carries significant disease. Complicated by the lack of good hygiene and the habit of eating with one's hands citizens are exposed to diseases that we don't concern ourselves with.  I have just packed my own fork and a bottle of hand sanitizer to address this!! 
Notes Carry Bacteria

Students in the capital city of Accra can only go to school 4 hours a day because there are not enough schools.  They take shifts - morning or afternoon - to accommodate the thousands of students who cannot fit into the existing school infrastructure.   See the link for a video of the schools and a speech from the Accra Mayor, whose organization I will be working for while in Ghana.  He is a tremendous advocate of education for Accra's youth, to address high youth unemployment and the potential for success as a nation.
Shift System in Accra Schools

So while some of this is alarming, it also makes me realize we CAN make a difference.   And I am definitely taking to heart your many wishes to "Be Safe"!

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