Friday 21 October 2011

The IBM Team

It's about time I introduce you to the team of IBMers I'm living with here in Accra.

We had been meeting by phone for 3 months before we arrived, and started to feel an affinity based on our common excitement about coming on this adventure together.  We all felt lucky to be part of this small group of 11 people from all over the world, who were going to be together for 4 weeks with a common purpose.   There was this amazing instant synergy!
The team on Friday night after a long first week.
Sun Sik from Korea
Petr from Czech Republic

Jeremy from Canada

We are by no means an obvious group of friends.  All very different personalities, with different interests, different motivations for being here, and very different lives back home.

However, we are living, eating and traveling together every day, and all keen to make the very best of this wonderful opportunity we've been given!

Let me introduce them:

Greg from United States
Bala from India

Els from The Netherlands
Ken from United States

Chee from Brazil
Heleen from The Netherlands

Giovanni from Italy
I've now got 10 good friends from all around the world that I hope to visit in their home countries someday!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily, really great to read your weblog and see all pictures! I had no doubts you would be doing well in Ghana. And seeing these pages brings back good memories of writing my own weblog in Central America, only 2 months ago. I'm looking forward to your next updates! Regards, Arno
