Wednesday 12 October 2011

Volta Region Weekend - Day 2

This was a marvelous day :)

I woke up pretty early to the sound of singing outside my window (see my last entry), and my mind quickly started thinking about how things were going.  I am loving the experience and the people I'm with, but I do miss those who are close to me at home, who I can share my personal thoughts with.  But loneliness passes quickly as I consider the day ahead.

I get up to see if anyone is around to go for a walk.  Perfect timing - Jeremy and Petr are ready to head out to find the local waterfalls a town resident told them about.  I'm in!  I need some exercise as my running efforts are way below normal.  So we headed out ...


But this was just the start to our day.  We hiked back to the hotel for a quick shower & breakfast and the team was on the road... including the wet clay road I mentioned in an earlier post.  This time we had to stop and help a van full of young men on their way to church!!

Our next stop was the Wli Waterfalls which were a much easier hike, but had the added benefit of having a pool at the bottom where we could swim under the falls!  So amazing to find such a place completely natural, and occupied by just the 12 of us!   We were laughing and jumping and playing like children. 


We stayed much longer than planned and so by the time lunch was done we were too late for the trip to the monkey sanctuary :(  But seeing the monkeys will hopefully be on a future agenda.  

A 4 hour drive home was passed quite uproariously with bus games that helped us to get to know each other (maybe better than we expected after such a short time!! )

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily,
    Family at home will be really happy you are keeping everybody so up to date, I´m sure!
    It sounds as if you are exactly where you need to be!
    I´m following your adventures daily! :-)
    All the best, Simone
